23-27 Sep 2024 Bordeaux (France)

Abstracts > How to submit an abstract

Instructions to submit an abstract:
  1. Prepare your abstract using the provided templates

  2. Create an account using the "Login" button or enter your CCSD login and password
  3. Go to "Abstract Submission Portal" in the NAVIGATION window (you must be logged in).
  4. Enter the Title of the talk/poster and choose the type (just leave the type as default)
  5. Do not enter the abstract into the Abstract box, you will not be able to successfully add a figure. Please just write 'see attached' in the Abstract Text box and continue with the following steps. 
  6. In the comment box specify if you prefer an Oral Presentation, a Poster Presentation, or Either. If you don't mention a preference, or if you mention that you have no preference, the scientific committee, commissioned with reviewing abstracts and designing the conference programme, will decide for you (provided that your abstract is accepted). Apart from that, this committee reserves the right to deviate from your preference, for instance in the case of an excess of oral presentations.
  7. Skip Step 2 (Author(s)) and go to the step 3 (File(s))
  8. Select your file by clicking on the "Browse" button. Next to the file type you will have options for 'Poster', 'Oral', 'Video', etc., ignore this.
  9. Click on the "Transfer" button
  10. No additional data should be transferred
  11. Proceed to the next step
  12. Submit your abstract by clicking on the "Submit" button 
  13. When viewing your submission, if you uploaded the abstract as a pdf file, it will be located in the 'Supplementary' section, but that is ok.
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