23-27 Sep 2024 Bordeaux (France)

Program - General & Detailed

General program

 Sunday 22 Septembre 5:00pm – 9:00pm:

Icebreaker Welcome Event and Badge Delivery at the Makila kafé


                              La Chapelle du Crous        -      The Starfish         -         Café du Port





You can download the Book of Abstracts.


Oral Presentations

MONDAY MORNING (Chair - Sophie Defontaine)

Salinity Intrusion & Diahaline Mixing

8h30 3D modelling of salt intrusion and sediment trapping in an engineered estuary affected by human interventions
Rutger Siemes, Trang Minh Duong, Bas Borsje and Suzanne Hulscher

8h45 What drives salt intrusion in a low-lying river delta during an exceptional drought?
Tess M. Wegman, Julie D. Pietrzak, Alexander R. Horner-Devine, Henk A. Dijkstra and David K. Ralston

9h00 Salt fluxes and salt intrusion in the Weser estuary, North Sea
Marius Becker, Anna Zorndt, Frank Kösters and Christian Winter

9h15 Estuarine sand dunes decrease salt intrusion by increased vertical advective mixing
Sem J. Geerts, W. M. van der Sande, S. J. M. H. Hulscher, B. J. Geurts4 and P. C. Roos

9h30 Analysis of salt intrusion in a tidal estuary under changing conditions with a cross-estuary saltflux decomposition
Karoline Rummel, Pia Kolb, Xiangyu Li, Ulf Gräwe, Knut Klingbeil, Lloyd Reese and Hans Burchard

9h45 Introduction of Posters – By Sam Kastner

Subtidal & Exchange Flows

11h15 Impact of estuarine exchange flow on multi-tracer budgets in the Salish Sea
Jilian Xiong, Parker MacCready and Aurora Leeson

11h30 The estuarine exchange flow intensity and the diahaline mixing gradient are interrelated
Hans Burchard, Knut Klingbeil, Xaver Lange, Xiangyu Li, Marvin Lorenz, Parker MacCready and Lloyd Reese

11h45 Effects of wind on exchange flows at the entrance to a subtropical river
Juan Torres, Armando Laurel and Arnoldo Valle-Levinson

12h00 Exchange flow and stratification variability across the Freshwater Froude Number and Mixing Number parameter space
Robert Sanchez, Sarah N. Giddings, Jia-Lin Chen, Yi-Ju Chou, Emily Lemagie, Parker MacCready, David Ralston, Charles Seaton, David Sutherland and Xiaodong Wu

12h15 A local eddy viscosity parameterization for estuarine exchange flow
N. Berkay Basdurak, Hans Burchard and Henk M. Schuttelaars

MONDAY AFTERNOON (Chair – Megan Williams)

Salt Dynamics

13h45 Modelling salinity and stratification in the GBM (Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna) delta
Florence Toublanc, Fabien Durand, J. Khan, Y. Krien, V.R. Sherin, X. Bertin, AKM Saiful Islam, V. Suneel

14h00 A new harmonic regression approach to predict estuarine salinity variation subject to storm surge effects   
Daan van Keulen, Wouter Kranenburg and Ton Hoitink

14h15 The relative importance of density-driven and tidal advective salt transport in partially mixed estuaries
Bouke Biemond, Huib De Swart and Henk A. Dijkstra

14h30 Can the Internal Froude Number determine the dominant residual flow driver in estuaries?
Maziar Khosravi, Erwan Garel, Andre Fortunato, Alejandro Lopez-Ruiz, Arnoldo Valle-Levinson

14h45 Intra-tidal variability of the hydrodynamics in a salt-wedge estuary
Óscar Álvarez-Silva, Yuley Cardona and Arnoldo Valle-Levinson

15h00 Introduction of Posters – By Frank Kösters


16h30 Dissipation within an estuarine frontal convergence zone
Nicholas J. Nidzieko, Alexander W. Fisher and Jim Thomson

16h45 Salinity variance and mixing processes in the Rhine-Meuse Delta under drought conditions
Marlein Geraeds, Julie D. Pietrzak, M. Verlaan and C.A. Katsman

17h00 Mixing hot-spots in a partially mixed estuary
Rocky Geyer and Malcolm Scully

17h15 Tidal salt transport regimes. Uncovering the importance of ESCO in estuaries mixed to stratified
Yoeri M. Dijkstra

17h30 Mechanisms behind circulation, mixing and salt transport in a former estuary after reintroducing limited seawater inflow
Wouter M. Kranenburg, Sam Bom, Bas van Leeuwen and Meinard C.H. Tiessen

TUESDAY MORNING (Chair – Jack McSweeney)

Anthropogenic Pressures and Climate Change 1

8h30 Anthropogenic forcings can prevail: the case of maintenance dredging in the Seine Estuary.
Jean-Philippe Lemoine, Florent Grasso and Pierre Le Hir

8h45 The role of marsh area and volume in coastal flood protection
James O’Donnell, Michael Whitney and Alejandro Cifuentes-Lorenzen

9h00 Morphodynamic evolution of estuarine intertidal flats under sea level rise.
Mick Van Der Wegen, Joanne Jenine Naidoo, Hesham El Milady, Mónica Aguilera Chaves, Bjoern Roebke, Ana Colina Alonso and Ali Dastgheib

9h15 Adaptation timescales of estuaries and tidal basins to human interventions
Bas Van Maren

9h30 Hydropower peaking in the lower Columbia River Estuary: capturing transient tidal processes using super-resolution
David Jay, Matthew Lobo, Stefan Talke, Steven Dykstra, Sylvia Innocenti and Pascal Matte

9h45 Introduction of Posters – By Henk Schuttelaars

Anthropogenic Pressures and Climate Change 2

11h15 From natural dynamics to anthropogenic impacts: A near-century of geomorphological change in a medium macrotidal estuary
Jun Zheng, Xiaoming Xia, Hongcheng Sun, Yining Chen, Aldo Sottolichio, Isabel Jalón-Rojas, Yifei Liu, Tinglu Cai, Xinkai Wang and Zhiguo He

11h30 The local tidal response to bathymetry evolution and level rise in a channel-shoal environment
Robert Lepper and Frank Koesters

11h45 Tide-surge interactions in an estuary: a case study in south-west Long Island Sound
Marc de Vos, Yaprak Onat and Jim O’Donnell

12h00 Strategies and dynamics facilitating coastal flood mitigation without reflection
Philip Orton, Stefan Talke and Steven Dykstra

12h15 Coupled hydrological-hydrodynamic modeling of watershed, tidal rivers and estuaries: Assessing the impacts of drought, sea-level rise and human-accelerated chemical weathering on salt intrusion and freshwater salinization
Ming Li, Ziyu Chen, Alfonso Meija, Robert Chant, Antonia Hadjimichael, Sujay Kaushal, Steven Keitzer, Allison Lassiter, Raymond Najjar, Samantha Puckett, A N Rohith, Ava Spangler, Shuangquan Wang and Xiaohong Wang 

TUESDAY AFTERNOON (Chair – Salme Cook) 

Tidal Dynamics

13h45 Tidal asymmetry and salt intrusion in the Ems estuary, North Sea
Anna Wünsche, Marius Becker, Ralf Fritzsch, Jessica Kelln and Christian Winter

14h00 Effects of sea level rise and tidal flat growth on tidal dynamics and geometry in the Elbe Estuary
Tara F. Mahavadi, Rita Seiffert, Jessica Kelln and Peter Fröhle

14h15 The role of storm winds and river discharge in modulating overtides in a well-mixed reach of an estuary
Kimberly Huguenard and Engiliyage Lakmali

14h30 Partial reflection in tidal estuaries
Stefan A. Talke, Steven Dykstra, Philip Orton and David Jay

14h45 Harmonic analysis of ill-posed inverse problems: application to short and sparse tidal records from SWOT
Pascal Matte and Silvia Innocenti

15h00 Introduction of Posters – By Arnoldo Valle-Levinson

Lateral Processes & Bathymetry Effects

16h30 Lateral circulation and salt fronts determine mixing in a mesotidal estuary with tidal flats
Lloyd Reese, Ulf Gräwe, Knut Klingbeil, Xiangyu Li, Marvin Lorenz and Hans Burchard

16h45 Lateral transport controls the tidally averaged gravitationally driven estuarine circulation: Tidal mixing effects
Tobias Kukulka and Robert Chant

17h00 Understanding three-dimensional subtidal salt transport processes in estuaries
Henk Jongbloed, Henk Schuttelaars, Yoeri Dijkstra and Ton Hoitink

17h15 Residual flow in a deglaciated coastal bay with low freshwater input
Taylor Bailey, Lauren Ross, and Cristian Rojas

17h30 Effects of sills on estuarine exchange flow mechanism, residence times, and mixing
Erin Broatch and Parker MacCready 

WEDNESDAY MORNING (Chair – Alice Lefebvre)

Physical Processes & Water Oxygenation

8h30 Modeling the impact of wastewater discharge on oxygen in Puget Sound
Aurora Leeson, Dakota Mascarenas, Alexander R. Horner-Devine, Parker MacCready, Ben Roberts and Michael T. Brett

8h45 Physical drivers of near shore hypoxia in the western Baltic Sea and consequences for fish stock
Peter Holtermann, Michael Naumann, Carl Bukowski, Stefanie Haase, Oliver Thiele, Volker Mohrholz and Uwe Krumme

9h00 Puget Sound dissolved oxygen: quantifying changes and identifying mechanisms
Dakota Mascarenas, Aurora Leeson, Alexander R. Horner-Devine, Parker MacCready, Ben Roberts and Michael T. Brett

9h15 Physical processes shaping low-oxygen events in a highly flushed coral atoll lagoon
Kristen A. Davis, Sarah Merrigan, Ke-Hsien Fu and Geno Pawlak

9h30 Circulation, hypoxia and deep water renewal in a multi-inlet tropical estuary
Geno Pawlak, A. Adelson, R. Collin, K. Davis, S. Giddings and S. Kastner 

9h45 Introduction of Posters – By Paulo Salles

Physical Processes & Environmental Issues

11h15 Spatial and temporal variations in atmospheric gas flux from the Hudson River: the estuarine gas exchange maximum
Malcolm Scully

11h30 The role of rain on suspended sediment fluxes in small estuaries and tidal inlets
Heidi Burgess, Jonathan Dale and Rebecca Hartless

11h45 Larval dispersion dynamics in a macrotidal estuary: coupled role of larval behaviour and hydrodynamic processes
Remi Bouyssou, Isabel Jalón-Rojas, Elorri Arevalo, Henrique Cabral, Nicolas Huybrechts, Elisa H. Fernandes and Mario Lepage

12h00 Influence of estuarine physical processes in the transport of microplastics: a modelling study in the Gironde estuary
Betty John Kaimathuruthy, Isabel Jalon-Rojas, Damien Sous and Nicolas Huybrechts

12h15 Trajectories, magnitude, and fate of continental microplastic loads to the inner shelf: a case study of the world's largest choked coastal lagoon plume export
Carolina Rodriguez, Pablo Silva, Laura Moreira, Larissa Zacher, Andreia Fernandes, Remi Bouyssou, Isabel Jalón-Rojas, Osmar Moller, Felipe Garcia-Rodriguez, Grasiela Lopes Leães Pinho and Elisa Fernandes

THURSDAY MORNING (Chair – Kimberly Huguenard)

Sediment Transport & Dynamics

8h30 Sediment trapping in estuaries
Sophie Defontaine, Yoeri M. Dijkstra and Florent Grasso

8h45 Tracking extreme events and their impact on sediment dynamics at the interface between estuary and coastal sea
Romaric Verney, Coline Poppeschi and Guillaume Charria

9h00 Understanding estuarine sand dunes through linear and nonlinear modeling
Wessel M. van der Sande, P.C. Roos, T. Gerkema and Suzanne J.M.H. Hulscher

9h15 Flocculation in the Rio de la Plata estuary
Rodrigo Mosquera, Francisco Pedocchi, Facundo Galletta, Eliana Morquio and Micaela Bellón

9h30 Idealized modelling of the influence of cohesive sediment on sand wave dynamics
Wout Ploeg, Pieter C. Roos, Bas W. Borsje and Suzanne J.M.H. Hulscher

9h45 Introduction of Posters – By Robert Kopte

Rivers Plumes 1

11h15 Far-field transport and mixing of episodic storm runoff plumes
Sierra Byrne, Sarah N. Giddings, Mark Merrifield, Matthew Spydell, Alexandra Simpson, Alexander Horner-Devine and William O’Reilly

11h30 Mixing at fronts in a microtidal estuary and plume
David K. Ralston and W. Rockwell Geyer

11h45 Diagnosing the drivers of cross-shore freshwater flux through the surf zone
Alex Horner-Devine, Sarah Giddings, Yingzhong Lou, Alex Simpson, Morteza Derakhti, Raul Flores, Megan Williams, Samuel Kastner, Jim Thomson, Matthew Spydell, Sierra Byrne and Angelica Rodriguez

12h00 High-resolution simulations of the freshwater plume dynamics in simplified domains
Cristián Escauriaza, Matías Contreras, Megan E. Williams and Oliver Fringer

12h15 PECS group photo

THURSDAY AFTERNOON (Chair- Dakota Mascarenas)

Rivers Plumes 2

13h45 Impact of islands on tidally dominated river plumes: a high-resolution modelling study
Xiangyu Li, Evridiki Chrysagi, Knut Klingbeil and Hans Burchard

14h00 Generation, propagation and mixing of tidal plume fronts in the near to mid-field Rhine River plume
Julie Pietrzak, S. Rijnsburger, K. Lamb, N. Jones,R. Flores Audiber, A. Horner-Devin and Alex Souza

14h15 Vertical and horizontal mixing in river plumes Australia
Chari Pattiaratchi, Ivica Janekovic and Dennis Stanley

14h30 Effects of turbid and liquid plumes in modulating the Western Black Sea ROFI: a modelling study
Debora Bellafiore, S. Hadi Shamsnia, Jos Van Gils, Sibren Loos, Bettina Fach, Ehsan Sadighrad, Marco Bajo and Christian Ferrarin

14h45 Temperature variability scales at the Rio de la Plata estuary and its maritime front
Michelle Jackson, Mónica Fossati, Marcos Mateus and Ligia Pinto

15h00 Introduction of Posters – By Ivan Perez-Santos

Barriers Coasts & Lagoons

16h30 Tidally driven circulation in a multiple inlet lagoon system
Robert Chant, Anna Pfeiffer-Herbert, Jim Lerczak, Nicole Ertle, Cody Benton and John Wilkin

16h45 Lagrangian transport time scales in a coastal system of intertidal basins
Matias Duran-Matute, Jeancarlo M. Fajardo-Urbina, Mart Giesbergen, Herman J.H. Clercx, Ulf Gräwe and Theo Gerkema

17h00 Particle patch dynamics and its use for fast transport prediction in coastal systems
Jeancarlo M. Fajardo-Urbina, Matias Duran-Matute, Herman J.H. Clercx, Ulf Gräwe, Theo Gerkema, Sonja Georgievska, Yang Liu and Meiert W. Grootes

17h15 Turbulent mixing in a salt-wedge microtidal estuary
Débora Barros, Taylor Bailey, Lauren Ross and Carlos A.F. Schettini

17h30 Patos Lagoon estuary-shelf exchange processes
Carlos A.F. Schettini, Luís H. Bordin, Paulo R.A. Santa-Rosa, Elisa H.L. Fernandes and Osmar O. Moller Jr

FRIDAY MORNING (Chair – Erin Broatch)

Wave & Shelf Dynamics 1

8h30 Role of internal waves in the Winyah Bay plume response to upwelling-favourable winds     
Alexander Yankovsky, George Voulgaris, Christopher Papageorgiou, and Diane Fribance

8h45 Turbulent dissipation inside the wave boundary layer
Duncan C. Wheeler, Sarah N. Giddings, Mark Merrifield and Geno Pawlak

9h00 Internal wave driven mixing on the New York Bight inner shelf
Jack McSweeney, Joe Jurisa, Ata Suanda, Amy Waterhouse and Jen MacKinnon

9h15 Coastal trapped wave effects on subinertial current variability in the Southern Californian Bight
Helen J. Zhang, Mark Merrifield, Uwe Send, Sarah N. Giddings and Alexander Kurapov

9h30 HF Radar observations of flow curvature-enhanced upwelling at the entrance to the South Australian Gulfs
Yasha Hetzel, Chari Pattiaratch and Simone Cosoli

9h45 Introduction of Posters – By Pieter Roos

Waves & Shelf Dynamics 2

11h15 Characterizing impacts of river discharge on the Alabama shelf during unprecedented 2019 openings of the Bonnet Carré Spillway in the northern Gulf of Mexico
Brian Dzwonkowski, Aravind Puzhankara, John Lehrter, Zhilong Liu, Grant Lockridge and Devanarayana R. M. Rao

11h30 River plume and internal wave dynamics in a Patagonian fjord
Megan E. Williams, Cristian Escauriaza, Oliver Fringer, Lukas WinklerPrins, Martina Monasterio and Rodolfo Gomez

11h45 Taming turbulence closure in tidally driven simulations of coastal oceans and estuaries
Ramsey R. Harcourt, John B. Mickett and Kumar Ravi Prakash

12h00 Storm-driven continental shelf seiches: mechanisms, dynamics and recent floods
Thi Tam Trinh, Philip Orton, Mahmoud Ayyad and Stefan A. Talke

12h15 Storm surge amplification by basin shape, the case of extratropical Typhoon Merbok in Western Alaska
Steven L. Dykstra, Stefan A. Talke, David A. Jay, Matthew Lobo, Silvia Innocenti and Pascal Matte






All posters presented on Monday or Tuesday should be put on the correct posterboard number (# next to presentation) by Monday at 9h45 and should be removed by the end of the day on Tuesday. Posters presented on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday should be put on the correct posterboard number by Wednesday morning at 9h45 and removed at the end of the conference.



Subtidal Flows, Exchange Flows & Mixing

#1 Three-layered exchange flows in a weakly-frictional tropical estuary
Arnoldo Valle-Levinson, Yuley Cardona, Vladimir Toro and Juan Paniagua-Arroyave

#5 Exchange flow and mixing in Patagonian Fjords under climatic variability modes
Elias Pinilla, Lauren Ross and Ivan Perez-Santos

#9 Spatial-temporal variability of TEF, salt flux, and mixing in a well-mixed estuary
Cristian Rojas, Lauren Ross, Aldo Sottolichio, Marvin Lorenz and Hans Burchard

#13 Along-channel exchange flow structure in a seasonally inverse low-inflow estuary
Niv Anidjar, Sarah Giddings, Elizabeth Brasseale, Angelica Rodriguez and Xiaodong Wu

#17 Storm driven subtidal flows at the confluence of two estuaries
Nicolas Cyr and Kimberly Huguenard

#21 Tidal and subtidal dynamics at the toe of a salt wedge
Elias Pinilla, Aldo Sottolichio, Arnoldo Valle-Levinson, Cristian Rojas, Debora Barros, Ivan Perez-Santos, Lauren Ross 

#25 Characteristics of flow and turbulence over estuarine dunes under reversing tidal flows
Kevin Bobiles, Christina Carstensen, Elda Miramontes and Alice Lefebvre

#29 An experimental testbed for environmental stratified turbulence and mixing: the Stratified Inclined Duct
Adrien Lefauve

#33 Water flux quantification in a subtropical estuarine lagoon complex through numerical modeling
Paula Birocchi, Marcelo Dottori, Letícia Fabre-Lima, Carine de Godoi Rezende Costa, Dalton Kei Sasaki and Robert James Chant

#37 The effect of steep lateral bathymetries on three-dimensional tidal motion and advection-driven residual flow in short estuaries
Cas van Ooijen, Yoeri Dijkstra, Marco Rozendaal and Henk Schuttelaars


Salinity & Salt Intrusion

#2 Coastal dynamics and saltwater intrusion in the Po Delta: the summer 2022 drought
Alejandro Paladio Hernandez, Luis Germano Biolchi, Silvia Unguendoli, Andrea Valentini, Debora Bellafiore and Christian Ferrarin

#6 Intertidal vegetation altering estuarine currents and implications for salt intrusion
Jesse Bootsma, B.W. Borsje, D. van der Wal and S.J.M.H. Hulscher

#10 Influence of seawater intrusion on the residual circulation at the Guadiana Estuary
Erwan Garel, M. Khosravi and Arnoldo Valle-Levinson

#14 How do extreme conditions impact salinity intrusion in Delaware Bay?
Salme E. Cook, John C. Warner and Kendra L. Russell

#18 Effects of extreme events on transport processes in Delaware River Estuary, USA
Zhaoqing Yang, Jinliang Liu, Yicheng Huang, Robert Hetland, Ning Sun, Taiping Wang and Mithun Deb

#22 Importance of the vertical eddy viscosity profile on the subtidal salt Intrusion and stratification in well-mixed and partially stratified estuaries
Henk Schuttelaars, Berkay Basdurak, Henk Jongbloed and Yoeri Dijkstra 

#26 Storms & tides: studying their effect on salt intrusion in rivers using a 2D model
Robin Harper, Yoeri Dijkstra and Henk Schuttelaars 


Anthropogenic Pressures & Climate Change

#3 Parametrisation of SPM modelling contaminant transport in estuarine waters
Victoria Ortiz, Holger Weilbeer, Benjamin Fricke, Pascal Hoppe and Daniel Pröfrock

#7 3D numerical model of fine sediment transport and morphodynamics to analyze the seasonal variations of bed evolution in a macrotidal estuary
Thi Kim Anh Do, Nicolas Huybrechts, Isabel Jalon Rojas, Aldo Sottolichio, PabloTassi and Fabrice Klein

#11 Human Footprint on Tides Dominates Water Levels in Estuaries and Tidal Rivers around the Globe
Joris G.W. Beemster, Stefan A. Talke, Bas van Maren and Ton J.F. Hoitink

#15 Dam remnant effects on tidal hydrodynamics in a mesotidal estuary
Engiliyage Lakmali and Kimberly Huguenard

#19 Impact of climate change on compound-flooding in UK estuaries
Xiaoyan Wei, Andres Payo, Yanwen Xu and Laurent Amoudry

#23 Future needs in estuarine physical processes research from a hydraulic engineering perspective
Frank Kösters, Robert Lepper, Anna Zorndt and Denise Wehr

#27 Annual tracking of the sediment dumped following harbour dredging activities in the internal and external estuary of the Loire
Régis Walther, Guillaume Isserty and Olivier Bertrand

#31 Diagnostic tool development for assessments of coastal pollution vulnerability          
Bea Van Dam and Sean Smith

#35 Resilience to climate change and demographic pressure in wetlands and swamps of the northern coast of Yucatan, Mexico
Paulo Salles and Roger Pacheco


Tides & Water Levels

#4 Impact of intertidal habitats on tidal propagation in estuaries
Renjie Zhu, Wei Zhang and Xiaoyan Wei

#8 Tidally driven Stokes transport in multi-inlet lagoons
Cody Benton and Bob Chant

#12 Tide-discharge interactions and detiding of SWOT altimetric observations in the Gironde estuary
Lucie Caubet, Florent Lyard, Nadia Ayoub, G. Jan, R. Chevrier and J. Penney

#16 Periodic stratification and tidal dynamics in the German Bight region of freshwater influence
Robert Kopte, Marius Becker, Peter Holtermann and Christian Winter

#20 Galilean tidal bores
Germain Rousseaux, Anthony Beaudoin, Johan Fourdrinoy, Patrick Braud and Nicolas James

#24 T-UGOm unstructured grid hydrodynamic and data assimilation simulations of the Gironde Estuary for SWOT observations calibration/validation
Florent Lyard, G. Jan, Lucie Caubet, Nadia Ayoub et P. Bonnefond

#28 Preliminary results of the Lowest Astronomical Tide (LAT) reference surface in the Belgian part of the North Sea
Somayeh Abdollahi, Johan Verstraeten, Joris Vanlede, Jeffrey Verbeurgt, Pieter Gurdebeke and Alain De Wulf

#32 Interaction of tides with recurring Polynya in an Arctic Fjord: SWOT measurements during the Cal/Val 1-day-repeat orbit phase
Shiliang Shan, Charles Hannah and Arnoldo Valle-Levinson

#36 Reconstructing water levels during flooding in the Seine estuary using machine learning methods
Romain Gilbert, Imen Turki, Pierre-Yann David and Benoit Laignel

#40 Dynamics of the water level extremes across the Amazon delta: a numerical modeling approach
Paul Coulet, Fabien Durand, Laurent Testut, Alice Fassoni-Andrade, Jamal Khan, Leandro Guedes Santos, Florence Toublanc and Daniel Medeiros Moreira


Physical, Biological & Chemical Interactions

#1 Dissipation rate of Turbulent Kinetic Energy contributes to positive fluxes of dissolved oxygen in fjords
Ivan Pérez-Santos, Pamela Linford, Luis Rozas, Lauren Ross, Gonzalo Saldías and Marcela Rojas

#5 Simulating algal species competition in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta using an idealized one-dimensional model
Sienna White, Keith Bouma-Gregson and Mark Stacey

#9 Exploring the coastal protection potential and resilience of mangrove forests in Grand-Pierre Bay, Haiti using remote sensing and hydrodynamic modeling
Alexandre Erich Sébastien Georges, Mark T. Stacey and Deanesh Ramsewak

#13 Seasonal and synodic longitudinal distribution of water properties in Sao José Bay, Maranhao, Brazil
Luis C.O. Lago and Carlos A.F. Schettini

#17 Marine heatwaves in Chesapeake Bay: effects on subsurface temperatures and dissolved oxygen
Nathan P. Shunk, Piero L.F. Mazzini and Ryan K. Walter

#21 Physical processes in clam gardens
Sam Kastner, Maia Heffernan, Chloe Cason, Courtney Greiner and Marco Hatch

#25 Coral reef modelling of a marine protected area near Cartagena, Colombia
Diogo Moreira , Marko Tosic and Flávio Martins

#29 Impact of the reduction of Zostera meadows on sediment dynamics in a mesotidal coastal lagoon
Arnaud Le Pevedic, Florian Ganthy and Aldo Sottolichio


Sediment Dynamics 1

#2 Rheological properties of cohesive sediments from Gironde estuary and their impact on the erosion threshold
Sebastien Jarny, Guillaume Gomit, Lisa Gelmi and Llionel Thomas

#6 New insights into near-bed SPM concentration and sand/mud fraction in the use of Sediment Composition Index
Duc Tran, Romaric Verney and Michael Fettweis

#10 3D modelling sediment dynamics in the hyper turbid upper Ems-Dollard estuary
Wei Chen, Joanna Staneva, Benjamin Jacob and Thomas Badewien

#14 Field measurements of the erosion and transport of sand-mud mixtures in intertidal areas in the Dutch Wadden Sea
Roy van Weerdenburg, Bas van Maren, Irene Colosimo and Bram van Prooijen

#18 Sediment entrainment vulnerability at the confluence of nontidal streams and tidal estuaries
Sean Smith, David Libby, and Bea Van Dam

#22 Modelling resuspension including spatio-temporal variability in sediment stability
Thijs Van Kessel and Qilong Bi

#26 Processes controlling sediment plumes of dumping activities in a mesotidal setting
Anna Zorndt and Frank Koesters

#30 Exploring the potential of maximum turbidity in tidal estuaries
Florent Grasso, E. Bismuth, H. Burchard, S. Defontaine, Y. Dijkstra, W. R. Geyer, F. Kösters, R. Lafite, N. Reese, H. Schuttelaars, A. Sottolichio, T. Van Kessel, J. Vanlede, B. Van Maren, R. Verney, R. Walther and A. Zorndt


Sediment Dynamics 2

#3 Morphodynamics of channel networks in tide-influenced deltas           
Maarten Van Der Vegt and M. G. Kleinhans

#7 Seasonal and Spatial Patterns in Sediment Transport in an Erosional Marsh System
Lukas Winklerprins, Jessie Lacy, Mark Stacey and Karen Thorne

#11 A 3D model of Lorient Bay to study turbidity dynamics and sediment fluxes between inner estuaries and marine coastal waters
Caroline Tessier, Sina Saremi, Thomas Chiron, Mouncef Sedrati and Didier Grosdemange

#15 Classifications of underwater flow-transverse sedimentary bedforms
Alice Lefebvre, Robert W. Dalrymple, Julia Cisneros, Leon Scheiber, Suzanne Hulscher, Arnoud Slootman, Maarten G. Kleinhans and Elda Miramontes

#19 Understanding tidal sandbank dynamics and impacts of sand extraction in sediment-scarce environments
Pieter C. Roos, V. Van Lancker, D. Van den Eynde, T.J. van Veelen and S.J.M.H. Hulscher

#23 On the effects of SPM composition on the inherent acoustic and optical particle properties of the SPM
Matthias Baeye, Michael Fettweis and Romaric Verney

#27 Sediment transport in a tropical estuary of the Red River Delta (Vietnam)
Juliette Pénicaud, Florence Toublanc, Patrick Marsaleix, Marine Herrman and Sylvain Ouillon

#31 Morphodynamic variability of the Somme Bay from seasonal to pluriannual scale in response to hydrodynamic forcings
Tatiana Goulas, Sophie Le Bot, Julien Deloffre, Nicolas Huybrechts, Imen Turki, Laurent Froideval, Christophe Conessa, Olivier Monfort and Edward Salameh



Wave, Shelf & Inlet Dynamics

#4 The South Atlantic Central Water intrusion process in the Sao Sebastiao Channel
Magnim Gnamah and Marcelo Dottori

#8 South Atlantic Central Water intrusions and pathways on Southeast Brazilian Bight
Elisa Passos, Livia Sancho, Rogerio Espindola, Alexandre Fernandes and Paulo Calil

#12 Circulation and sediment fluxes over shore-oblique sand deposits at a wave energetic shelf
Ilgar Safak, Umut Ayhan, Said Parlak, John C. Warner and Tarandeep S.Kalra

#16 Noether's conservation laws for ocean boundary layers
Víctor J. Llorente, Enrique M. Padilla, Manuel Díez-Minguito and Arnoldo Valle-Levinson

#20 Wind influence on mixing and cross-shore transport in river plumes
Yannik Muche, Marvin Lorenz, Alexander Yankovsky and Hans Burchard

#24 Liftoff and spreading dynamics of a rip current plume in stratification
Walter I. Torres, Melissa Moulton and Chris Chickadel

#28 Modelling of current and sediment plumes around a coastal inlet
Honghai Li, Carter A. Rucker, Lihwa Lin and Kevin B. Conner



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